From August 9 to 27, 2014, the research into mutual perceptions of, and the relationship between recent migrants from Africa and African Americans, launched by the Institute for African Studies in the previous year, was continued in three cities of the state of Alabama: Albertville, Guntersville, and Huntsville. The research is supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities (projects 13-01-18036 and 14-01-00070). This year, fieldwork was done by the Institute Vice-Director Prof. Dmitri M. Bondarenko and Senior Research Fellow Dr. Veronica V. Usacheva. Read more
5th April – 5th May the trip of J.R.F. of The Centre for History and Cultural Anthropology Alexander Panov to the states of Great African Lakes region has been performed. The main purpose of the trip was the participation in events of the “Kwibuka 20” cycle, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Tutsi genocide in 1994 in Rwanda. So A. Panov took part in the work of International Forum “After the Genocide: Examining Legacy, Taking Responsibility” which was held in the Rwandan Parliament’s building in Kigali, 4th – 6th April. Read more
The research program ELITAF African elites trained in the USSR and in other former Eastern Bloc countries. Histories, biographies and experiences aims at understanding biographical trajectories and individual experiences, as well as larger cultural and political phenomena, in terms of contemporary nation-building processes and diplomatic and academic relations Read more
25 September – 26 October Junior research fellow of the Center of History and Cultural Anthropology of Institute for African Studies of Russian Academy of Science Alexander Panov was collecting field data for the research project “African students in USSR: post-graduate social mobility and career’s development” in West Africa. For the above mentioned period were visited 3 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. Read more
October 31, 2012 "Africans in Russia: problems of adaptation and integration".
Institute for African Studies in cooperation with the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris) invites you to take part in the round table discussion "Africans in Russia: problems of adaptation and integration”. Round table discussion involves work on two themes: the first is devoted to the problems of Africans staying in Russia and to the search for possible solutions, the second part will explore the topic "The former African students in the USSR / Russia: career and destiny".